With thousands of Bekum machines running Personal Care bottles in 24/7 production,
let us use our expertise to come up with the right solution for you!
Bekum has the technology that fits perfectly with the needs of the personal care market including:
Fast, flexible machines with quick changeover features
Single and double sided machines to fit your production requirements
Long stroke machines for high production outputs
2-layer Co-Extrusion allows for savings of expensive soft touch materials and colorants as they only are used in the outer layer
3-layer Co-Extrusion systems save on colorants and can enhance recycling by burying PCR and regrind in the center layer
100-point parison programming for optimal material distribution and light weighting
Calibrated neck finishes up to 63mm
Full automation
Optional IML (In Mold Labeling)
All-electric options for energy savings
Compact footprint
Bekum’s Proven Personal Care Production Machinery Solutions: